Friday, April 30, 2010

Well... What are ya gonna do?

Yes it is May 1st and I have not blogged since December. Yes I am a horrible Mother. Sigh. Well, what are ya gonna do, ya know? I'll fill you in...

When we last saw the Scott Family they were happily living out their days in rural Pennsylvania, making frequent trips to what I like to refer to as "civilization" (you know... Starbucks, Costco, Bloomingdale's and maybe an actual mall?)...

At any rate, we catch up with the PA Scotts finishing up Bash's Kindergarten year, on the verge of beginning Parker's first year of Pre-school, and happily entering the terrible two's with the girl who will hereafter be referred to as "La Diva"! If you know Caroline, you will know this title suits her perfectly.

While we have many plans to keep from being couch potatoes this summer, I will first describe our winter/spring months.
At the end of December we lost our beloved Nanny, Jenny. (Below, on the left.) Relax, she's not dead. She just went off to school at BYU Idaho to obtain her MRS degree (wink, wink). We miss her terribly, especially me because I had to start (gasp!) taking care of my own offspring. :)

In January we were pelted with snow storms which is (of course) my fault for being from Pennsylvania and moving my California boy husband out here in the first place. But, heroically, Todd endured yet another east coast winter. Luckily, Sebastian has learned to enjoy shoveling (and over-salting) the walk way and driveway.

Parker (aka "bad a** stunt man") thought our bookshelves looked like a fun climbing apparatus and got himself a nasty scar on his cheek as he fell down and smashed his face on the corner of the TV table. (As you will see in pictures.) This was very traumatic for all involved (me!).
Parker does not like to be cold and takes his comforter with him everywhere... The kitchen, his sister's room, the living room, the bathroom, the basement playroom. He often carries with him a portable heater. I was forced to buy small portable heaters when my husband attacked our poor Heating/AC Unit in February. (That's gonna need to be fixed soon. I can go without heat but do not ask me to live without AC!!) Parker is also very interested in taking pictures and steals my camera pretty often. Here is some of his work. The first one is my favorite because you can see Park's toes! So cute!

Caroline "La Diva" insisted (to my delight) on wearing tutus all winter long. This forced me to get creative with leggings and tights. That girl has a fashion sense all her own! I guess I should just be glad Parker isn't living in his Spider man costume anymore... those were rough times!

Sebastian became an avid reader as soon as he learned to sound out words. He is such a fast learner and we are so proud of him! Straight A's every report card so far!!
Todd started school again in February after the busy Christmas season. I am so proud of him for continuing his education. I am secretly hoping this will be his last Christmas in a store and that the next year or two will bring an opportunity for him to pursue a position in a different part of the company. It would really be nice if he weren't so grinchy at Christmastime!
February and the beginning of March were spent mostly trying to stay warm. Tiffany and Eli and Caleb were our frequent companions as were Nora and Kalei and Owen and Khloe. Mom Mom visited frequently and of course, Liz!
I was called as first counselor in Relief Society and am VERY grateful for the switch (not that I don't LOVE primary...). I am so grateful to have more time on Sundays and during the week with the women at church (and less time with the kids!) and so happy for the opportunity to teach and study and prepare lessons.

Mid-March brought on a wonderful bout with Pneumonia. FUN! Seriously, it was horrible and I thought I was going to die. My temp was 103 degrees at one point and I just wanted to crawl out of my body. Yuck. Luckily, I survived. I recovered just in time to have my tonsils removed on March 31st. Double FUN! Thank goodness I had been on death's doorstep with the Pneumonia so I knew I could survive having my tonsils removed. Those of you who know me may also be acquainted with my tonsils, "lefty and righty". They have been my torturers and enemies these many long years and I was SO glad to be rid of them. However, I may have begged to have them back at times when the meds were wearing off. Ouch. It still hurts to yawn and sneeze.
Side note: Apparently, anesthesia makes me grouchy with a tendency to yell at random strangers and my husband.
While I was recovering from my tonsillectomy, Bash decided it would be a good time to get strep throat and miss school for 3 days. Luckily, Todd was off work to take care of me and he took on a second patient in stride. (He may be a better Mother than I am, but he does not keep a very neat house!) Parker and Caroline were sick together just as Bash and I were feeling better. Triple FUN! Thank goodness Liz was here to snuggle with me and watch Pride and Predjudice and help Todd take care of the kids. Someone had to yell for me as I had no voice!

Seriously, though, a HUGE THANK YOU to my great group of wonderful girl friends who made meals and cleaned and took care of me and my family while we were incapacitated. And of course, my Mom who took care of the kids and all of us! I am so blessed!
As of late, I am working out again (after a month of being too sick to move!), Bash has started spring soccer (he wanted to play T-ball but decided to wait until next year so he wouldn't have to play on Sundays, our "family day"), Parker is stoked for Pre-school and Caroline is getting ready for the big two year-old tea party birthday!

We are planning to be in Hilton Head for Memorial Day and are super excited to meet up with all the Grossmans who can make it.
So now you are up to speed. Hope your spring has been much more dull than ours! (Or at least healthier!)


  1. Sounds like fun! Glad for the update! You are still coming camping right????

  2. Reading your post makes me realize how much I miss you!! Come see me...
